domingo, 30 de junho de 2013


Today I got a computer.
And I am making a calendar,and I am having lots of fun.
I am making April in the calendar. coral and me played a fun that game was that I spin coral,and coral would get so dizzy and laugh.
and we are going to the park, I cant wait.

segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2013


Today Melissa found a mouse.
I felt a bit scared.
But when I saw him [or her] it was so qiute.
Now we can`t go to the park.
We are now taking care of it.
We will wate t`ill daddy comes back.


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Today I found a mouse in the house.
We got the mouse and put him in a pot.
wen dad comes back he well bring the mouse faraway so he wont come back.
I hope he well not come back.